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Located at the intersection of Lee and Main streets in Blacksburg, Virginia is a historic structure dating back to 1847. Originally a Presbyterian church, it is the oldest surviving building on Main Street. The majority of the town's early residences were Presbyterians or Methodists. Congregations from these denominations built a number of churches in Blacksburg, including this example which was shared by both. Built of brick for a cost of $1,500, there were once two entrances (one for men and another for women). Today, the building houses a restaurant which serves Baja-style Mexican cuisine and cocktails.

Cabo Fish Taco at the north corner of Lee and Main

Cabo Fish Taco at the north corner of Lee and Main

"Blacksburg Historic District Contributing Structures List". Town of Blacksburg, VA.

"The Sixteen Squares of Blacksburg". YouTube., published by the Town of Blacksburg, VA,

"National Register of Historic Places Registration Form: Blacksburg Historic District". Virginia Department of Historic Resources. December 1990. Accessed February 28, 2017.

South Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia; image by Steve Tatum via Flickr 2.0 Creative Commons,