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This Tour is a Walking Tour.

Untold Narratives: Discrimination, Self-Determination, and Change

Created by Digital Memory & the Archive (University of Richmond) on December 9th 2018, 10:43:46 am.

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The tour you are about to embark upon shares a series of stories that attempt to recapture parts of the University of Richmond’s history of race and racism. Created in Fall 2018 by the students in “Digital Memory & the Archive,” taught by Dr. Maurantonio, this tour has two goals. First, it seeks to be informational, sharing research conducted by students within our class and who have been working for the past several years on the University’s Race & Racism Project. Next, it seeks to activate. While we believe it is important to share completed research, we also seek to provide a sense of the work that still needs to be done. We aim to collectively contribute to not only a more inclusive history but a community that today answers the pasts we have studied. We cannot be the University of Richmond to which we aspire if we do not reckon with the University of Richmond of our past. The next 12 stops are intended to educate and prompt further inquiry. They will take you across the University of Richmond campus, hopefully raising additional questions. The stories you will encounter on this tour seek to complicate a neat, linear path of the University of Richmond’s racial progress. You will likely hear some familiar names. Others will be less familiar. At times, the histories we share may produce discomfort. We hope you will approach this tour with a spirit of curiosity.
