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Grand Museum Tour of Dover
Item 11 of 13
The Delaware State Police was established in January of 1920, largely as a result of roads being paved. This increased traffic and speed, which made people fearful of those wanting to break Prohibition laws. It has since grown to an agency with more than 600 troopers. The Delaware State Police Museum and Education Center was created to prepare for the future by studying the past.

The Delaware State Police Museum and Education Center shares the history of the Delaware State Police.

The Delaware State Police Museum and Education Center shares the history of the Delaware State Police.

In addition to studying the past, the museum also shares insight with visitors on how the Delaware State Troopers are preparing to serve deep into the 21st Century. Guests can learn about law enforcement methods, substance abuse prevention, highway safety efforts and many other topics. Specially-trained troopers and other staff are assigned to the museum.

Visitors can view patrol cars and motorcycles and sit at a 911 command and control console. Exhibits on display include: Criminal Investigation Methods, Highway Safety Efforts, Community Services and Safety Education Activities, Uniforms and Weapons and more. Most exhibits feature information from the past and present.

A memorial dedicated to fallen troopers is located outside the museum. It was added to the complex in 1975. The museum also includes meeting and training facilities as well as a gift shop.


Delaware State Police Museum website, accessed April 13, 2017.