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Virtual Tour of Corpus Christi's Heritage Park
Item 5 of 9
The Littles-Martin house's original location is unknown, as it was moved in 1918 to North Staples Street. The house was given to Hattie and Willis Little after their retirement by their former employer. Hattie Little is believed to have been the first Black Corpus Christie native. The house remained on North Staples Street until the death of the Littles' daughter in 1983, after which the house was again moved to its current location in Heritage Park. Restorations were funded by the National Associated of Colored People (NAACP) and the house is home to the local chapter's offices.

The Littles-Martin House in Heritage Park, home to exhibits of Black history and the Corpus Christi NAACP headquarters.

The Littles-Martin House in Heritage Park, home to exhibits of Black history and the Corpus Christi NAACP headquarters.

The Littles-Martin house's original location is unknown, as it was moved in 1918 to North Staples Street. The house was given to Hattie and Willis Little after their retirement by their former employer. Hattie Little is believed to have been the first Black Corpus Christie native. The house remained on North Staples Street until the death of the Littles' daughter in 1983, after which the house was again moved to its current location in Heritage Park. Restorations were funded by the National Associated of Colored People (NAACP) and the house is home to the local chapter's offices. The front rooms of the house contain exhibits on Black history.

Heritage Park in Corpus Christi, Texas Tropical Trail. Accessed October 7th 2020.

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