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Driving Tour of Emporia, Kansas

Created by David J. Trowbridge on July 6th 2020, 8:07:08 pm.

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This drive through the heart of Emporia begins on the campus of Emporia State University and winds its way south with stops and historic homes that belonged to influential journalists such as William Allen White. The tour also includes the home of Preston Plumb, one of the most influential 19th century political leaders in Kansas and a man who intervened to prevent segregation of the city's schools at the same time that the practice took hold in Topeka, Wichita, and numerous other Kansas communities. Highlights of the tour include the Lyon County Historical Center and the Granada Theatre. The tour concludes at Soden's Grove, home of the All Veterans Memorial--an appropriate end to the tour as Emporia is the home of Veteran's Day. .
