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The South Carolina Confederate Relic Room & Military Museum is dedicated to the military history of South Carolina dating from the present day back to the Revolutionary War. It is located adjacent to the University of South Carolina in Columbia.

South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum

South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum
The South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum is a state-funded museum dedicated to the preservation of the military history of the State of South Carolina. Founded in 1896, the museum features exhibits covering the state's role in the Revolutionary War, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the War on Terror and other American conflicts.One special exhibit cover's the museum's "Write the Front" program. The program collects letters, e-mails, photos, artifacts and other communications and tangible things from South Carolina residents who have served or are serving in war conditions. The museum also features an archives which is available to researchers by appointment.The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Adults 61 and under pay an admission fee of $5. Adults 62 and over, active duty military and veterans are admitted with a $4 fee. Children 13-17 and pay $2 and children 12 and under are admitted free of charge. The museum is open on the first Sunday of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and everyone 13 and over is admitted for $1.
1. South Carolina Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum website, accessed Sept. 19, 2014,